To ensure the quality of the water for your aquarium [Beginners Guide – 3]

Maintaining proper water levels is important for the health and well-being of your aquarium fish. While deionized water free of chemicals and minerals is good, it is often difficult to find. As a practical alternative, many plumbers use city tap or well water. Here’s how to manage this water source.

Municipal Tap Water

Figure-1: Tap Water (Source:

Municipal tap water that is usually chlorinated can be a good choice for your aquarium with the right treatment. Chlorine in tap water can be harmful to fish, but you can eliminate it easily by following these steps.

  • Add anti-chlorine: Add anti-chlorine treatment by filling your aquarium with tap water. These treatments neutralize the chlorine immediately. Follow the chlorine repellent instructions and use the correct amount based on your aquarium’s water capacity.
  • Natural Chlorine Removal: Alternatively, you can remove chlorine from tap water naturally by letting it sit for 24 hours before adding it to your tank. For better chlorine dispersion, store water in shallow non-top containers.

Use of well water

 Figure-2: Top Water Well (Source: )

Well water varies greatly depending on location and environmental factors. It is important to be careful when using well water, especially if you live near a farm or industrial area. Agricultural runoff and industrial waste can contaminate groundwater, creating contaminants that can harm your fish.

  • Well Water Testing and Processing: Test well water regularly for harmful chemicals and contaminants. If there is contamination, consider using mechanical filtration or opting for treated tap water as a safer option.

  • Prioritize safety: Always put the health and safety of your aquatic pets first by being alert to potential contaminants in your water source. Regular inspections and proper treatment are essential to providing a safe environment for your fish.

Techniques that were necessary to maintain the quality of the water

Regardless of the source of water, maintaining water quality is critical to a thriving aquarium. Here are some important tips:

  • Regular water changes: Perform regular water changes to keep the water clean and reduce the buildup of harmful substances. Generally, a 10-20% weekly water change helps maintain healthy conditions.
  • Proper water filtration: Use an efficient filtration system to remove garbage, waste and toxins from the water. Make sure the filter is appropriate for your tank size and the type of fish you’re looking at.
  • Monitor water parameters: Check water parameters regularly, including pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. Putting these shapes in the right places is critical to the well-being of your fish.
  • Avoid overfeeding: Overfeeding leads to excess waste and can damage the water. Feed the fish only what they can eat in a few minutes and get rid of uneaten food as soon as possible.


Ensuring high quality water is important for the health and well-being of your aquarium fish. Whether you use municipal tap water or well water, better understanding and treating your water source can provide a safe and healthy environment for your aquatic pets. Always be mindful of potential contaminants and take necessary precautions to maintain water quality. By following these guidelines, you can create a thriving aquarium that supports the survival and health of your fish.

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